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What to eat for healthy weight loss

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The weight loss process may be currently really challenging. Information about various diet programs may be found almost everywhere. However, many of them might not be the healthiest solution, because they exclude healthy and nutritional food such as legumes, fruits or whole grains. Loss weighting with using of these programs might cause you long term health problems. A balanced diet low in calories and portions is the best way how to lose fat.

Fruit and vegetable, the base of healthy diet and weight loss

Fruit and vegetables should be part of a healthy weight loss plan. They contain large amount of vitamins and nutrients that are for our body very important and not replaceable. Vegetable such as broccoli, green beans and carrots contain a minimum amount of calories and during losing weight are more suitable than a vegetable containing starch (potatoes, corn). Focus on 4 to 5 servings of vegetable per day but do not avoid eating of fruits that you should take 4 times a day. Fiber from Fruit and vegetable will help you to feel full longer.

Grains and whole grain products should be a part of your weight loss

Whole grains contain much more fiber and will saturate you for a longer time than refined grains. When doing the shopping always look for the word “whole grain” on a package. Whole grain products and foods will provide you fiber, vitamins and minerals (they are an excellent source of potassium). They do not have to be low-calorie in order to benefit our health. Find a place for 4 servings of whole grains and seeds daily.

Dairy products help with weight loss

Three servings of low-fat dairy products may help you to manage your weight in the right direction. Low-fat dairy products such as milk, yogurt or cheese might be low-fat or fat-free. One cup of skim milk contains only 90 calories and a lot of low-fat dairy products have less than 100 calories. This kind of food could be an ideal refreshment or food supplement during our busy days.

Meat, proteins and healthy weight loss

The weight loss process might be spoiled very easily by the seemingly innocent ingredient such as meat and meat products. However, only thinking is needed during their buying. When selecting a beef, focus on lean pieces which should not contain less then 93% of meat. As for poultry, try to look for pieces without skin because it contains too much fat. Fish are excellent source of proteins and if prepared correctly they should be on our plate twice a week. We should avoid eggs neither, because of providing the same amount of protein as one serving of meat. Meat might be replaced by dried beans in our diet because it contains protein and iron.


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